
Friday, November 06, 2009

World Fantasy Con, Wrapup 

I attended several panels on Saturday at WFC in San Jose, including the standard "best books of the year" panel at which, in previous years, Charles Brown has distributed an early draft version of the Locus Recommended Reading List (limited to fantasy titles) as a basis for discussion. This year's panel included Liza Groen Trombi as the Locus representative and was moderated by Annalee Newitz, editor-in-chief of io9; also participating were Justin Ackroyd, Jo Fletcher, and Tom Whitmore. Newitz (who I had the chance later in the afternoon to meet, and put a face to a member of the io9 team) posted her account of the panel with lists compiled by most of the participants of their favorite titles, though missing from that account are the answers to the first question posed of the panel: if they could name just one title to recommend, what would it be? Jo Fletcher singled out Robert Holdstock's Avilion (sequel to Mythago Wood); Justin Ackroyd, Jack O'Connell's The Resurrectionist; Newitz herself, Jacqueling Carey's Santa Olivia; Liza Trombi, Kim Stanley Robinson's Galileo's Dream; and Tom Whitmore, NESFA's John Bellairs compilation Magic Mirrors, because it includes a previously unpublished sequel to an early Bellairs work.

Earlier I caught part of a panel on "the role of religion in contemporary fantasy" in part to hear guest-of-honor Zoran Zivkovic, whom I had never seen before. He speaks English very well, though with a pronounced accent that requires some attention, and his responses to questions posed to the panel were usually anecdotal, with humorous points. Also on the panel was Robert Silverberg, with his familiar wry observations on becoming Pope (increasingly less likely, as time passes) and how much religious opinion varies when solicited from, for example, Connie Willis, Ralph Vicinanza, or Tim Powers...

Other panels included one on homosexual characters in fiction. Has society reached a stage where such characters are past notice? Answer: no. (The panelists included Malinda Lo, author of just-published Ash, a lesbian version of Cinderella [just reviewed in the NYT Book Review -- see blinks]; Nancy Jane Moore; Doselle Young.) GoH Jeff VanderMeer moderated a panel on "what we read for fun", with Michael Swanwick, Zoran Zivkovic again, Garth Nix, and Richard Lupoff. Swanwick said even fun reading can't be dumb, and rhapsodized about Roger Zelazny's Doorways in the Sand. Zivkovic described how at his age (he's 61) he needs to choose his reading carefully, and mentioned favorite titles (I hope I got this right) The Fateful Adventures of the Good Soldier Svejk by Jaroslav Hasek, and, later, Jose Saramago's Blindness. VanderMeer described an unlikely source of fun, A Dictionary of Non-Scientific Names of Freshwater Crayfishes, Nix recommended Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable (especially older editions), and Lupoff discussed books by sincere lunatics, books by people who really believe in hollow earths, or martian civilizations. Later he mentioned how unexpectedly hilarious Pynchon's Gravity's Rainbow turned out to be, past the first 100 pages or so.

The convention's dealers room was modestly sized but remarkable for consisting almost entirely of book dealers, with only three or four jewelry tables among them. The art show was astonishingly small; no doubt there was some good reason why, that I didn't hear. As much as the scheduled events, of course, the lobby bar/lounge, and the 20th floor party suites, were the center of activity throughout the weekend. Saturday night's party sponsors included Gordon Van Gelder, pouring wine and assorted spirits to celebrate F&SF's 60th anniversary, and Orbit Books (or perhaps the author herself), celebrating the publication of Gail Carriger's Soulless, a Victorian era urban fantasy, complete with tea service, cucumber sandwiches, mince pies, and numerous other English treats.

The banquet was steeply-priced, $75 per ticket, but the food was good and the event ran like clockwork, finishing both the meal and the award presentations in under two hours.

Overall it was a good convention -- interesting panels, nice hotel, opportunities to catch up with old friends, have some fruitful business discussions, and meet new people.
La perception des âmes désolées.

C'est la
perception des
âmes désolées,
et quand le
tourment descend
pour décrire
le portrait d'une
ombre matinale
je vois, dans
la mer, une ombre
infinie qui rappelle
la jeunesse.

Francesco Sinibaldi
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king under the dome

doctorow makers

banks transition

kress steal sky

atwood year flood

roberts yellow blue tibia

wilson julian comstock

 ness ask and answer

collins catching fire

collins hunger games

sawyer flashforward

baker hotel

disch proteus

tan tales

mazzucchelli asterios

zebrowski empties

morrow shambling

hamilton cpt future

beckett genesis

meller evo rx


kurzweil transcend

sawyer wake

ness knife never letting go

barzak love we share

mcewan cement garden

holland sci-fi art

gladwell outliers

bittman food matters

baggini what's it all about

Still in progress:

ross rest is noise

aldiss billion year spree

pollan omnivore's dilemma

Mark R. Kelly

The opinions expressed in this blog are solely those of Mark R. Kelly, and do not reflect the editorial position of Locus Magazine.
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